(Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement). A national agency providing advice and support regarding a wide range of environmental issues, including flood risk management and urban design.                                                                                                       

Experience and Role

Cerema is a French public establishment. It assists the ministry’s central administrations in defining national methodological recommendations for flood risk prevention. It also supports the decentralized services of the State and local authorities in the implementation of these policies. In particular, it supports local authorities in the construction of their local flood management strategy and in the implementation of risk prevention measures. Cerema uses or develops hydrological or hydraulic models for understanding hazards. It also develops cartographic tools applied to the knowledge of issues, vulnerabilities to flood risk. 

Cerema leads the part of the project devoted to flood risk management and social innovation tools. It plays an important role in the project, managing two experimental sites and supporting the other two French sites. In particular, it is testing new information tools such as flood safety plans or virtual reality visualizations to help communicate flood risks.

In addition, it will adapt and further develop existing resources to support the creation of flood risk awareness among vulnerable populations. It is also in a unique position to deploy BRIC results throughout the French FCE zone and beyond. 

Other EU or International Projects

  • Crisis Management: EU FP5 OSIRIS project, InterREG IVB AMICE,

  • Lead partner: RAITAP and ANR RELEV projects

  • Tidal flooding :EU FP7 THESEUS project, InterReg Med COASTGAP project

  • Coastal risk management: ENDURE project

  • International cooperation: PHC SAKURA


