Urban planning agency Oise-les-Vallees

Oise-les-Vallées has been supporting local actors for more than 30 years in the development of the territories of the intermunicipalities formed around the valleys. In 2022, its study area includes 82 municipalities. The Urban Planning Agency is involved in several areas such as planning, observation, sustainable mobility, consideration of environmental issues, etc.                                                                             

Experience and Role

Aware of the issues related to the risks of flooding on its territory, the Oise-les-Vallées urban planning agency has been involved for several years in the various approaches relating to floods involving the State and communities. Its cross-cutting vision of territorial development issues allows it to play a central role in advising and mediating for better consideration of risks in planning policies.

One of the first missions of the Oise-les-Vallées urban planning agency in connection with the risk of flooding dates back to 2011 and concerns the development of territories located in flood-prone areas, in particular the already urbanized sectors exposed to risks. This exercise takes into account in particular the context of the development of the valley whose territories present significant opportunities for attractiveness, influence and urban development.
In 2014-2015, the Agency was asked by the State and its adherent members to take part in the national workshop “Changing territories exposed to risks” for which the candidacy of the Oise valley was selected for its Compiègne-Creil sequence. The Agency first supported the participating local authorities for the preparation of the application and then the team formed around OBRAS by providing cartographic data (issues in flood zones) and by participating in the workshops carried out on the chosen sites.

Its work was continued with active participation in local workshops for the Compiègne and Creil TRIs for the implementation of the strategic axes of the roadmap signed on August 3, 2015 by the Ministry of Ecology. These local workshops aimed in particular to integrate the new orientations into the planning documents, including flood resilience.

Raising awareness and the culture of risk are major challenges for reducing the vulnerability of populations. These notions are part of the major axes for which the agency works continuously in its work. This is how the agency organized in September 2015, in collaboration with the AUAO, the Agglo Orléans Val de Loire and the architect’s office EDL (Éric Daniel-Lacombe), a study trip on the theme “At the heart of resilience” in order to raise awareness among elected officials from the Isarien and Loire regions on the notion of “resilience” and its implementation, supported by a “resilient” neighborhood located on the former Matra site in Romorantin-Lanthenay . Several trips to explore and collect information on planning policies in areas subject to risks have been made in European cities such as Amsterdam, Capelle, Ghent, Canterbury and Copenhagen, all concerned by water-related issues , climate change and rising sea levels.
The Agency also records several participations and interventions in events and awareness days organized by the CPIEs of Aisne and Oise as well as Cerdd.
Between 2017 and 2021, Oise-les-Vallées participated in the European 2 seas program and more specifically in the STAR2Cs project (Short Term Adaptation for Long term Resilience). This involvement has enabled him to study the possibilities of implementing the principle of resilience in land use planning. The involvement of European partners has considerably contributed to broadening the reflection thanks to the contribution of feedback, solutions and techniques used by other countries affected by the risk, to fight against flood damage.

Oise-les-Vallées will deliver a pilot in the BRIC project. However, given Oise-les-Vallées’ strategic role (working with over 82 Maries) will have a different but complementary character, placing emphasis on the creation of a ‘water risk sensitivity’. It will develop this aspect of the pilot working with local social service providers (departmental services, prefecture, municipal and inter-municipal services, CCAS, local youth integration missions, Entente Oise-Aisne, CPIE of Oise and Aisne, etc.). Other partners will develop similar themes in their pilots, through educational and training activities. Furthermore, it will participate in all WPs.

Participation in the BRIC project will enable the agency to share its expertise in the field of risks and to continue its reflection by working on the social aspect as a lever to meet the needs of inhabitants and in particular disadvantaged populations.

Other EU or International Projects

  • Short Term Adaptation for Long Term Resilience to Climate Change (STAR2Cs)


