Thames 21

 A Rivers Trust, covering the lower Thames, in London and its tidal reaches. Working to improve rivers, connect communities and provide training.                                                                                                  

Experience and Role

Thames21 connects people with their local waterways by putting healthy rivers back at the heart of everyday life in the tidal Thames basin (including tributaries). It improves and restore rivers, educates and empowers communities, and campaigns for positive change for the good of people and the environment. It has significant experience of working hand in hand with local communities; theost relevant for this project being Thames21’s Community Modelling projects empowering communities to protect their local rivers.

Using specialist modelling software, usually only used by experts, it helps local people increase their awareness of pollution and flooding issues and invites them to shape future river plans. Through its projects, volunteers are discovering how nature-based solutions such as wetlands and SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) can reduce pollution and flood risk, as well as how to influence local planning decisions. Communities have valuable local knowledge of the land which statutory organisations can learn from and we believe that involving communities will lead to better flood-proofing solutions.

Thames21 will lead pilot activities on Canvey Island. It will demonstrate and test tools and approaches to social innovation for flood risk management, including training for those far from the labour market. Moreover, it will participate in all work projects, and contribute to the development of the BRIC Resilience Model.

Other EU or International Projects

  • INTCATCH project (Development and application of Novel, Integrated Tools for monitoring and managing Catchments)  

Efficient, user-friendly water monitoring strategies and systems based on innovative technologies that will provide real time data for important parameters 



Queen Caroline – Hub Survey – 22 July 2018



Point Wharf  – June 2019 – © Helen Stoddard
