
Autumn 2022 update

Exploring our BRIC pilot projects across Europe

Building Resilience in Communities (BRIC) is a two-year cross-channel Interreg-funded project running until June 2023.

We work with eight organisations in France and England, where our key aim is to build resilience in local communities who are at risk of flooding.

BRIC supports vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those furthest from employment, particularly focusing on each community’s areas of deprivation.

Below is an update on our pilot projects and activities in communities affected by flooding across England and France.


How to cope after a flood

Flooding is often a hugely traumatic experience, and people can have a variety of reactions after surviving such a disaster.

You may feel like you can cope with just one thing at a time, or you might find it hard to retain information and things that you are told. You could also feel stressed and find everyday things that you can usually deal with become hard to cope with.

These reactions are normal human responses and there is help available for those who need it. Click below to find out more.


Dispelling mapping myths about coastal flood risk

The importance of how we communicate flood risk and management with the growing concern around the climate crisis was highlighted during a public drop-in event in Weymouth.

We met a resident who lives in the harbourside area, who was worried about flooding and wanted more information. She had seen an article in a local newspaper which claimed major areas in Weymouth will be permanently underwater by 2030. This article was clearly misinformation, with mapping based on the ‘worst case scenario’ for climate change and a 10-metre rise in sea level.

We reassured the resident by explaining the maps and what is being done to protect Weymouth. She was appreciative and said that she felt much better.

Find out more about the event here.


Exploring the water of the Aulne Valley

A series of walks and workshops were held earlier this year in the Aulne Valley, one of our pilot project areas in France, to give local people the opportunity to question the relationship between water and their landscape.

The concept of the walk, designed by artistic collective La Folie Kilomètre, was inspired by the relationship of the local population to the river Aulne, an integral part of the Nantes-Brest canal, their experiences and their collective memory.

Find out more here.


Involving citizens in flood resilience

Earlier this year, as part of the BRIC project, Cerema and the National Flood Forum organised a hybrid seminar about the governance of flood risk prevention and the involvement of the population in this policy in France and England.

The seminar covered topics such as cross border analysis, governance of flood risks and involvement of population, with guest speakers answering questions on this. The Q&A session was followed by workshops in which groups answered questions on these topics too. 

Find a full rundown of the event below.


Story mapping the valley to raise awareness about the Aulne floods

Cerema, partners for our Aulne Valley pilot site in France, have produced a story map tool to raise awareness about the area’s risk of flooding.

OgoXe, a proud partner of the BRIC project, has been instrumental in helping Cerema produce the tool. Olivier and the expert team have contributed their time, effort, and knowledge, as well as providing the licences used for the ArcGIS tool.

Based on the experience of the inhabitants, this narrative thread combines maps, text, photographs, videos and audios to share knowledge about the territory of the Aulne and its floods and to unite people around the Valley.

You can view the story map below.


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