Category Events
Vallée de l’Authie : un Festival de la Résilience réussi
Une semaine bien remplie sur la vallée de l’Authie ! Renforcer notre résilience face aux inondations, tel est l’objectif du projet BRIC. Quoi de mieux que des approches pédagogiques et artistiques pour mener ce travail. C’est ce que le CPIE…
Meet the Kent Resilience Network
The Kent Resilience Network hosted their first ever in-person meeting at the Aylesford Community Centre near Maidstone on Thursday 27th October. The network invited not only its core members, but members of other Flood Action Groups and interested parties. Introducing…
Au fil de l’Aulne, a week-end of festivities to raise awareness of the environment among residents
As part of the BRIC project on the Aulne valley pilot site, Cerema co-organised and co-financed an Aulne festival with the Polysonnance social centre, EPAGA, Cerema, the towns of Châteaulin, Port-Launay and Saint-Coulitz and the ERDF. The “Au fil de…