BRIC Partnership

The BRIC partnership brings together eight partners from France and England. The collaboration brings expertise in different fields relating to flood risk management, climate change, new technologies and innovative engagement methods. 

Plymouth City Council

Unitary authority incorporating strategic planning, parks and highways maintenance and Lead Local Flood Authority.


A tech company providing flood warning and environmental monitoring services.

National Flood Forum

Representing communities at risk of flooding, and supporting self help through formation of flood action groups.


(Centre d’études et d’expertise sur les risques, l’environnement, la mobilité et l’aménagement). A national agency providing advice and support regarding a wide range of environmental issues, including flood risk management and urban design


A Rivers Trust, covering the lower Thames, in London and its tidal reaches. Working to improve rivers, connect communities , and provide training.

CPIE Val d’Authie

(Centre Permanent d’initiatives pour, l’environment d’Authie).  An environmental and community education NGO.

Dorset Coast Forum

Forum to foster collaboration between coastal stakeholders.



(Agence d’Urbanisme et de Développement de la Vallée de l’Oise). An urban planning agency, providing services on-demand to Communes in Vallee de L’Oise.